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Eccelsa Aviation
July 18, 2024

Our interview with Francesco Cossu, General Manager of Eccelsa Aviation

The company that ensures quality service for private aviation in Sardinia

In the most exclusive heart of Sardinia, is Eccelsa Aviation, a special handler dedicated to assisting private aviation with approximately 15,000 flights per year. General Manager Francesco Cossu tells us about it.

Tell us about the range of truly exclusive services at the Eccelsa terminal

Eccelsa Aviation has been awarded Best European/EMEA FBO consecutively since 2009. The reason for this result is quality in all areas. That is, a selected team, high-level infrastructure and a general organization that prevents operational restrictions.

The most popular aircraft for this season in Sardinia and why

Above all, the Bombardier 7500 and the Gulfstream 700.

Aircraft with absolute comfort, capable of flying for over 14 hours non-stop, close to the speed of sound and with optimal internal pressurization that guarantees maximum comfort.

What was the strangest request you have ever received from a customer?

A few years ago, an important customer asked us for assistance in collecting 200kg of premium quality Pecorino Sardo from a shop in Olbia and loading it onto their aircraft.


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