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Piazzetta di Porto Cervo (ph. Dario Garofalo)

text Giandomenico Mele

August 2, 2024

The Grand Gala of Sardinia

In the heart of Porto Cervo Thursday 22 August celebrates the talent and beauty of the island

On Thursday, August 22, at 9 pm, Porto Cervo will host the celebration of beauty and of an island rich in music, dancing, voices and colors. The Gala Event of music, traditions and entertainment, conceived and hosted by Giuliano Marongiu and promoted by Costa Smeralda Consortium, gathers the most popular and representative singers of Sardinia’s music scene, very talented artists and an excellent expression of the local folk culture.

Gran Galà della Sardegna

The parade of 50 women wearing traditional Sardinian costumes and coming from several towns of Sardinia is one of the most eagerly awaited events, which will fill up the famous Piazzetta with colors and visions. Each town of Sardinia has different traditional costumes rich in details, colors and embroideries and decorated with jewelry that completes this celebration of timeless beauty.

In a play of alternation and symbols and accompanied by traditional folk instruments, women wearing local costumes in different versions will parade down the town. The wonderful voices of Maria Giovanna Cherchi, Cecilia Concas, Francesca Lai, Lucia Budroni and Gruppo Incantos will alternate with dancing by women’s folk groups from Campidano and Gallura. The event is based on the collaboration with Una Scuola Sarda and highlights the most significant aspects of Sardinia’s cultural and traditional heritage with music, entertainment and participation.


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